
How to Get Positive Reviews in Short Term Rentals

Short-term rental properties have become a popular choice for travelers looking for comfortable vacation accommodations., as well as for business trips. The increased popularity of this form of hosting is due to several reasons. First of all, short-term rentals allow travelers to live like a local. Instead of spending their holidays in anonymous hotel rooms, they can reside in genuine neighborhoods, to cook their own meals and feel more connected to their destination. This often leads to positive reviews on the short term rental, as tenants appreciate the unique experience this form of accommodation offers.

Property owners targeting positive reviews in their short term rentals, they should consider the following:

Communication and hospitality


The professionalism of a management company is very important because....

It's important to be approachable and welcoming. Respond quickly to tenant messages and questions. Greet them personally and give them information about the property and the neighborhood. Communication and hospitality are a critical part of the short-term rental process and can make all the difference in the tenant experience.

Here are some important facts worth considering:

1.Fast and friendly response:

Travelers appreciate prompt response. Respond to their messages and requests as soon as possible. This can give the impression that you are approachable and willing to help.

2.Personal Reception:

When tenants arrive, a personal welcome can make all the difference. Show positive energy and give them an overview of the property. If it is possible, offer directions about the neighborhood and local attractions.

3.Provision of Information:

Provide important information about the property and accommodation. These include the Wi-Fi password, the instructions for use of the electrical devices, the property rules and emergency information.


It is important to be available for any questions or problems that may arise during the stay. Provide a contact number that tenants can use.

5.Personalized Advice:

If you have the time and interest, give personalized advice about their stay. Mention local restaurants, the attractions and activities they can enjoy.

In the final analysis, taking care of communication and hospitality can create a positive experience for tenants, make them feel welcome and encourage them to leave reviews 5 stars for your property.

The Importance of Cleanliness


Make sure the property is clean and tidy. Offer clean towels, sheets and personal care items. Cleanliness is a cornerstone of creating a positive experience for tenants. When you keep your property in perfect condition and provide regular cleaning services, increase your chances of getting reviews 5 stars and return the tenants.

Here are some important tips about cleanliness:

1.Basic Cleanliness:

Clean the property thoroughly before the tenants arrive. This includes cleaning the floors, of the surfaces, of windows and small details.

2.Change of Sheets and Towels:

Provide clean sheets, towels and bed covers for each new tenant. It is important to offer a sense of freshness and cleanliness.

3.Personal Care Items:

Provide basic personal care items such as soap, shampoo, body lotion and toilet paper.

4.Attention to Details:

Paying attention to details is important, such as the cleanliness of the sinks, of the cooking areas and toilets.

5.Contact a Cleaning Professional:

If necessary, consider hiring a cleaning professional to ensure quality and consistency of cleaning.

With attention to cleanliness, you create a sense of trust and flexibility for tenants, which contributes significantly to achieving reviews 5 stars and maintaining the popularity of your property.

Additional amenities Depending on property type and location


Consider offering extra amenities like free Wi-Fi, washing machine, kitchen equipped with utensils and appliances, as well as air conditioning or heating, depending on the season. Providing extra amenities to renters can make their stay even more enjoyable and help earn reviews 5 stars.

  • Free Wi-Fi: Free Wi-Fi is now expected and often a necessity for travelers. Make sure the connection is reliable and fast.
  • Washing machine: If your property has a washing machine, this can be especially helpful for renters, especially for a long stay.
  • Well Equipped Kitchen: A well-equipped kitchen with utensils, cookware and appliances (such as an oven, microwave, coffee maker etc.) allows tenants to prepare meals, saving time and money.
  • Air conditioning or Heating: Depending on the region and season, tenants appreciate the ability to adjust the temperature in the property for a comfortable stay.
  • Good Equipment for Fun: An entertainment system such as a television, cable/satellite TV, or DVD player can provide entertainment for the tenants.
  • Information on Local Activities: Provide information on local activities, sights, restaurants and bars in the area to help renters discover their destination.

Extra amenities can create a great stay experience and help achieve reviews 5 stars. It is important to adapt the amenities to the needs and capabilities of your property, offering an excellent way of hospitality.

Flexibility in check-in and check-out

Work with tenants regarding check-in and check-out times, and try to be flexible about their needs. Check-in and check-out flexibility is key to creating positive experiences for your tenants.

Here are some ways you can be flexible and provide the maximum service possible:

a.Discuss Check-In and Check-Out: When communicating with tenants, ask them about their plans and when they would like to come and go. Try to find solutions that suit them.

b. Mention Flexibility in the Description: Mention in your property description that you are flexible with arrival and departure times and that you are willing to discuss tenants' needs individually.

c. Scheduling Management: Try to organize the scheduling of departures and arrivals so that flexible times are possible for renters.

d. Backup Baggage Storage: If possible, offer a secure place to store renters' luggage in case they charter early or depart late.

Flexibility in check-in and check-out can make the tenants' stay more comfortable and enjoyable. This can lead to happy tenants who leave positive reviews and may return to your property in the future.

Finally, short-term rental property management is not just about managing the property, but also the creating an unforgettable stay experience for tenants. Investing in care, maintenance and hosting, you can earn the trust of tenants and stand out in the competitive short-term rental space. With this approach, you can build a successful and sustainable business with positive reviews in your short term rental, that will serve your tenants and bring you success in the field.
Satisfied tenants are the best ambassadors for your property. When they enjoy their stay and receive high quality service, they are more likely to return to your place and recommend it to friends and family. Positive reviews and a good reputation can increase the number of bookings and create a stable audience of renters.

If you want to increase bookings and revenue...

There is only one solution. Contact e-bnb.gr, which in addition to registering your property, offers you :

  • property registration on the appropriate platforms
  • booking management with zero risk of double booking
  • customer communication before and after their stay
  • free online promotion with e-bnb tools
  • strong presence and visibility on Social Media
  • developing the right clientele
  • more bookings
  • increased profits up to +60%

How e-bnb.gr can help you

We take care of everything for you,what does your property need for increase occupancy and short-term rental profit : registration and management of platforms such as Booking, Airbnb, construction and management of a website for direct bookings, Social Media (Facebook & Instagram), communication with customers before booking / during their stay and after their departure and specialized Marketing and Sales techniques for maximum results in occupancy and profitability.

Make an appointment with us today to discuss the needs of your own tourism business and let you know how we can help increase your revenue .

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